Sunday, February 7, 2010

Smudging and Blessing with Hospice patients

Smudging and blessing ceremonies and rituals have played a central role in humanity's desire to communicate with the Divine. The desire to enter into the presence of the Holy has led Creations children to lessen the distance or remove the veils that blind them from real communion with the One. Many cultures and people mirror this desire and aim in their holy rituals and prayers particularly- Smudging and Blessing.
Through the practice of Smudging, incense serves as a conduit for all our senses to engage in prayer to the One.
In the practice of blessing smoke and/or oil is given as an offering to the Divine to express our desire or need or thanksgiving that words cannot express. In Smudging, smoke is a cleansing agent that removes negative thoughts and energy that may hinder ones communication with the Holy.
In my work as a hospice chaplain the desire for cleansing, communion with the Holy, and blessing is often expressed in patients and their family members. I have had the opportunity to participate in and lead
Smudging and blessing ceremonies with patients who were familiar with these unique containers of Divine communion. In all these instances they have served to affirm for me the Unity of the Divine Beloved and my opportunity to serve as a living conduit and vehicle for the Truth.