Monday, September 22, 2008

What is religion?

I come to the observance or practice of religion as a chaplain/minister and as a student(mureed). I have found that as a chaplain/minister, religion can often take the form of a collection of formal practices and teachings. These practices and teachings are additionally referred to as doctrine and disciplines. In the role of minister/ chaplain I may create opportunities for others to learn or embody these teachings and practices in the context of worship, study and work.
As a student(mureed) a definition of religion might reflect the teachings and practices presented through those opportunities mentioned above- worship, study, and work. As I consider the impact of work, study and worship on ones Divine Ideal I have found religion alone (a collection of teachings and practices) only allows a limited experience of the Holy.
As a student and chaplain the practice of a religion has the opportunity to cultivate a deeper communion with the Divine. This deeper communion I have experienced- has been identified as Spirituality.
In observing ones religion- spirituality can be experienced as a natural fruit of ones worship, study, and work. In my experience religion and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. It is also my experience that while these two have the capacity to work together too often they do not. As I am beginning to see- Religion gives grounding to spirituality and Spirituality gives life/vitality to religion.
My Spiritual Journey
As I take time to reflect on my Spiritual journey it has become clear to me that my journey did not begin in earnest until my mid to late thirties. Before then I had spent three years in the army- just out of high school. I followed that portion of my life with college, marriage and a hand full of years in camping and youth ministry. During these years and over the course of my life, my "journey" was not really a journey at all. If it was a journey it was a well-worn path with little risks and only very ocassionally- glimpses of something more- glimpses of the Holy. This portion of my journey reflected more the religion of my family of origin and the United Methodist doctrine and discipline than anything I felt ownership of. The glimpses I mentioned earlier include: a visit to a Buddhist Temple while I was in the military over seas in South Korea, discussions with a Jewish friend late into the evening, Hearing the Muslim call to prayer recited by Muslim students at the beginning of Ramadan, Visiting an Indian burial mound as a child, Being introduced to the symbology and ritual that is observed in a Jewish Seder meal. At the age of 29, having gained vocational experience and proficiency in youth and family ministry, I enrolled in Divinity school to "gain" greater academic and denominational knowledge and training to pursue a ministerial vocation. At the same time I was assigned to three rural churches (serving as their minister) that would support my growing family as I studied.The demands, tensions, and exertions of school and ministry and a growing family served to first awaken in me a desire to journey deeper in my spiritual and religious life. As a Student pastor serving rural congregations I was diconnected from peer groups and geographically isolated. Even though I was a student and new pastor I did not have the opportunity to benefit from the experience of a mentor or group. These resouces were not available to ministers in that situation. This reality is a factor which fed my spiritual journey. Over the next eleven years I found it increasingly difficult to lead the congregations to which I was assigned. As minister to these congregations I was ordained to four specific tasks that I was expected to follow in my duties- they included Word (meaning scripture texts and denominational and christian teaching), Sacrament (Initiatory rituals of baptism and communion), Order ( meaning as clergy I would visit the sick, teach, administrate, and maintain fellowship with peers), and Service( meaning as leader of a congregation I would recruit, train, and equip members to do the work of the congregation). As I sought to keep this vow or covenant of ordination I met with resistance among a handful of the leadership of some congregations. In the midst of this my Journey intensified. Three years into my last congregational appointment I was growing steadily more depressed and discouraged as opposition to my leadership grew. Toward the end of that year I finally broke with the God Ideal of my parents and church and set about the task of discovering a God ideal that spoke to my deepest joys, suffering, and hope. As my Spiritual Journey took on this new dimension I continued to serve this congregation and lead them in worship and ministry.During this time I read a range of theology, authors ,and dug deeper into experiences of the Holy outside of my tradition. Throughout my life my keenest experiences of the Divine have been in contemplative practices and meditation experiences. My investigation led me to read more writings from Christian mystics and writings in Islam. I discovered G. I. Gurdjieff and PD Ospensky and the Fourth Way School. I explored writings in Native American philosphy. My Spiritual Journey was unfolding rapidly and it only increased my desire to learn more. In the late fall of 2005 I had begun to reach out to a handful of groups that led classes in some of the teachings mentioned above. As it turned out non of the groups were close enough for me to become an active participant. I began to feel again the geographical and situational isolation that was a hallmark of my early ministry. My Spiritual journey led me to contact the Sufi Order International and I located a class meeting within 2 hours of my home. The last two years in my congregational appointment saw me making regular trips to class meetings while continuing to serve as senior minister to two congregations. In the summer of 2006 I was initiated as a mureed in the Sufi Order International. Following my initiation I made a covenant with Salim Chishti to be my guide. In the fall of 2007 I was initiated into the Healing Order and ordained as a Healing Conductor. In the Summer of 2007 I left congregational ministry and have been serving as a Chaplain Resident at the VA in Murfreesboro TN. My challenge along this portion of my spiritual journey is to maintain my practices and their healing benefits (in my being) in order to provide healing for others as their chaplain.

Monday, April 28, 2008

"when did you start believing..."

This past Friday I had the opportunity to visit my folks. It had been some time since I had given my undivided and uninterrupted attention to my Mom and Dad. Before Friday, the last conversation I had with Mom was just over a month and half ago. While my Dad was undergoing an out patient procedure My sisiter and I kept Mom company. I intended to be a non-anxious presence for Mom and serve her any way I could while Dad was attended to by the medical staff.
Sometime during Dads recovery we all were at his bedside. Mom began to talk about what was going on at church - some training event led by a (Flavor of the month) nationally celebrated Pastor. Instead of listening attentively- I felt the need to engage in sarcasm and lend my sage advice and opinion in regard to this celebrated celeb. pastor. Anyway, we slid ever so quickly into a debate- at my Dads bedside! I was greatly embarrassed and cut off the rest of the conversation as it now focused not only on -The flavor of the month pastor but everything else including my spiritual journey and my practices in Sufism.
So, I felt the need to give closure to that conversation this past friday with a dinner and afternoon with my folks..
We lunched at a local resturant and then drove out to their house for Coffee and further conversation. Mom began by stating, so what is Siffism and when did you start believing it? Was it during Vanderbilt? Is it from that group you go to in Knoxville? Did they make you believe this stuff?
(As my head began to spin puzzling over where to start I- closed my eyes and laughed out loud) "No Mom, Dad its none of that. Its been a slow and evolving process. It has always been my tendency to search and explore to probe and dig for the truth. You both taught me that- You raised me where I felt freedom to do that regarding nearly everything in my life.
Probably this journey began sometime in my second appointment while I was going through that sour experience with the congregation. I discovered that the Holy was not held captive by anyone doctrine or dogma, group or church. This was a liberating expereince for me. I began to read writings from mystics in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim tradition and Buddhist traditions too. I read mystics like Thomas Merton, Hildegard of Bingin, Teresa Avila, Thich Nhat Hahn, Jalalladin Rumi, Hafiz and others. They were a breath of life and peace for me. To this day I find great comfort, eternal truth and divine inspiration in their writing. As I have studied deeper in the practices of Sufism I have learned more about myself and how I can help others to heal and transform their lives too. So, I guess you could say that is when I started believing.."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"You don't have to wait.

If your wait until you are perfect,

you will never begin."

Murshida Devi Tide

On the second weekend of October 2007, Murshida spoke these words of introduction at the beginning of a retreat sponsored by the Healing Order of the Sufi Order International. That retreat expereince marks one more stop along the spiritual path I am currently traveling. As a Mureed(student) of Sufism and a newly initiated Healing Conductor, I have a desire to begin to share with others some of the insights and benefits of,

Contemplative Retreats and Spiritual Direction.

This is an invitation to all dear ones who are are striving for renewal and transformation in their spiritual practices and faith journey.

Each retreat will begin as participants arrive and take time to form an intention in their thoughts regarding this time apart.

Participants can look forward to reflection and practices in solitude, or in groups and with partners.

Elements of the practices may include:

  • Reflection on sacred texts and scripture from a variety of faith traditions.

  • Guided imagery.

  • Visualizations, prayers, chants or mantras from Eastern and Western religious traditions.

Spiritual Direction.

We journey through life on a day to day basis. We celebrate, we create, we weep and we struggle. These highs and lows mean something - at least that is our hope. But what do these familiar expereinces mean? What do we do when we can't find that meaning? Is our hope then transient and elusive?

These questions and others reflect the inspiration of Spiritual Direction. Our search or struggle to hold onto hope, to grace, to love, is not a struggle we need to face alone.

Elements of Spiritual direction.

  • Initial interview and statement of intent.

  • Covenant making between director and directee.

  • Regular meetings to share progress and insights and opportunities to ask questions.

  • Collaboration and cooperation.

  • Assessment and evaluation.

Now, this is my sincere invitation to you all -If either of the activities are appealing to you or if you need further information for inquiry contact me today and begin the process of Transformation and healing.

peace and joy to you all,
